Australia Launches Groundbreaking National Sepsis Clinical Care Standard
On June 30, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care released the national Sepsis Clinical Care Standard, in partnership with APSA Members The George Institute for Global Health and the Australian Sepsis Network.
Australia has become one of the first countries to release a nationally agreed quality framework for the recognition and management of sepsis, through a broad consensus across the health sector.
The standard outlines optimal care for patients in hospitals with suspected sepsis – starting from the onset of signs and symptoms, through to discharge and follow-up care. The launch marks a major milestone in our joint efforts to improve early recognition and provide enhanced clinical care and post-discharge support for patients.
“The Sepsis Clinical Care Standard is a game-changer that will ensure healthcare workers recognize sepsis as a medical emergency and provide coordinated high-quality care to all Australians.”, said Prof. Simon Finfer, Director of the Australian Sepsis Network, Intensivist and Professorial Fellow in the Critical Care Division at The George Institute for Global Health and GSA Vice President.
“If a patient is acutely ill or deteriorating rapidly – and there is no other obvious cause – we must consider sepsis as a possible diagnosis,” said Professor Finfer. “If you suspect sepsis, either as a clinician or a patient, escalate your concerns to a healthcare professional who is skilled in managing sepsis. You must ask, ‘Could this be sepsis?’.”
The Sepsis Clinical Care Standard was the result of a collaboration between leading clinical experts and consumers and translates evidence into clinical practice to reduce preventable death or disability caused by sepsis.
The Global Sepsis Alliance is working on assembling a world map, tracking the status of national sepsis strategies across the world – and while they have a good idea of what’s going on, they want to make sure not to miss anything. Is your country also planning or implementing similar initiatives? Please provide your input via the button below.